20+ Voodoo Doll Sewing Pattern

Creating a voodoo doll sewing pattern is a creative and fun project. However, please remember to approach this craft with respect and cultural sensitivity, as voodoo is a sacred and spiritual practice for some communities. Here’s a basic outline for making a simple voodoo doll:

Materials you’ll need:

  • Fabric of your choice (cotton, felt, muslin, etc.)
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Scissors
  • Pen or fabric marker
  • Embroidery floss or yarn (for adding details)
  • Stuffing material (polyfill, cotton, etc.)


Step 1: Designing the Pattern

  • Sketch the shape of the voodoo doll on paper. You can make it as basic or intricate as you like, but a simple human-like shape with arms and legs is a good starting point.
  • Add seam allowance (usually ¼ to ½ inch) around the pattern to account for sewing.

Step 2: Cutting the Fabric

  • Place the pattern on your fabric and cut two identical doll shapes. Make sure they are facing in opposite directions, so when you sew them together, the right sides will be on the outside.

Step 3: Sewing the Doll

  • Place the two fabric pieces together with their right sides facing inwards.
  • Stitch along the edges, leaving a small opening at the top of the head for turning and stuffing.
  • Turn the doll right side out through the opening.

Step 4: Adding Details

  • Use embroidery floss or yarn to stitch facial features, such as eyes, nose, and mouth, onto the doll’s face.
  • You can also add stitches to create a heart, scars, or other symbolic details, keeping in mind the purpose and symbolism of voodoo dolls.
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Step 5: Stuffing the Doll

  • Fill the doll with stuffing material through the opening until it reaches your desired firmness.
  • Hand-sew the opening closed.

Your voodoo doll is now complete! Remember to treat the voodoo doll with respect and use it responsibly if you’re incorporating it into any fun or fictional role-playing. Avoid using it to cause harm to others, as this goes against the spirit of creativity and crafting.